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Coffee with cannabis legalized in Brazil? That’s almost it…

Coffee with cannabis in Brazil? Calm down, we’re not there yet, but we’re close… at least in terms of smell. Want to know how this is possible? Come see here!

We have already spoke about the immense potential of the cannabis food market here and here, but the truth is that Brazilian legislation continues to be an obstacle to the establishment of this market in the country.

Meanwhile, Café Blends do Brasil or CBD – did you notice that the initials are the same as the cannabidiol extract? – launched a line of coffee with the elements of cannabis, but without cannabis. That’s right, they reproduced natural terpenes identical to the aromas of cannabis flowers.

There are 3 flavors, to drink all day long, and the night one is without caffeine. The formula was developed with the help of the University of São Paulo. The research process lasted more than 2 years and cost more than BRL 1 million (remember: research and development requires time and investment!).

Does it cause any “effect”?

No, because it does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the molecule responsible for the plant’s effect. The coffees contain functional herbs, Amazonian ingredients, mushrooms (not hallucinogens, of course!) and terpenes, responsible for the aroma of the plant and the product, all approved by Anvisa (Brazilian regulatory agency). “Cannabis has dozens of terpenes in a single plant.” So the sensory profile was achieved with substances from other species, such as roses, for example.

Oh, and don’t confuse it with another coffee, Maryjuana Coffee, a line of coffees developed to harmonize with the main cannabis strains on the market, forming blends that complement each other and enhance the flavors. These are not coffee with cannabis in their composition, that is, anyone who wants to consume a complete sensory experience, it is at their own risk.

coffee with cannabis

Are there other businesses besides coffee with cannabis in Brazil?

In 2022 Kanna was born, the first Brazilian DAO focused on cannabis. A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization, and Kanna uses blockchain and hemp as a means to fund its operation in impactful causes.

The planting of hemp, a species that is very effective in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, represents a fraction of revitalized soil. That is, a ballast is created in revitalized soil and removed CO2. It works as compensation for damages through the sale of carbon credits, and even makes donations to help communities in vulnerable regions possible.

coffee with cannabis

As Brazilian law does not allow large-scale planting, the solution is to lease areas for cultivation in other Latin American countries, such as Uruguay and Colombia. Moreover, there are no regulations for DAOs in the country either, but Kanna is already open for pre-sales.

This is a Regenerative Finance – or ReFi – business model that seeks a way to use money to regenerate the planet. Regenerate is among the words you’ll hear the most over the next few years, as we’ve reached a point where just “not damaging” the planet is no longer enough, with cannabis or without cannabis, we must restore what has already been degraded!

Sources: Food Connection, Forbes, Exame, Migalhas, PEGN, Hemp Meds, Cláudia

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