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Food selfie: you can eat your own face

pancake food selfie

We are living the era of image cult. There are almost 300 million photos with the hashtag #selfie on Instagram. Not even food has escaped. Find out about food selfie, the food with your face on it.

The first selfie that that we have record was taken in 1914 by the tsar Nicholas II’s daughter, Princess of Russia Anastasia Nikolaevna, when she was 13 years years old. In possession of a camera, she pointed to the mirror and took the photo. But only in 2013 the use of the word grew up and figured in the dictionary. Since then we have food selfie, which is nothing but your face printed in food.

first selfie food selfie

Selfie of Anastasia Nikolaevna in 1914

We’ve talked about food selfie here and here, but the subject continues to surrender and surprise us. Joining the trend of selfies and 3D printers, the English company Kinneir Dufort developed a 3D printer to print faces on pancakes. Using a camera with face recognition software, the machine deposits layers of dough directly on the hot plate creating different shades that result in the desired face. There is no currently practical reason to view your face on pancakes, unless, of course, the narcissism of our generation that loves to see herself.


To accompany the pancakes, the best is to have custom juices with your photo. Firefly brand started a campaign to promote consumer engagement. How? It’s simple,  you just need to visit the company’s website and insert your photo, which will be printed on the bottle’s label. The initiative is called “Feeling Fly” and was promoted in supermarket chain Whole Foods in London. According to them, they receive consumer images for years, so there is nothing better than returning the affection being faithful to them too.

food selfie juices

Whichever the reason, the fact is that we like to see ourselves on internet and everywhere, even in food. And you, how many food selfie have you published?

References: PSFK, UOL Tab, Hypeness

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