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Lemon soap made from drinks is new Australian fashion

Lemon soap

Where does the pulp of the lemon that makes your caipirinha goes? If you answered it goes in the trash, you are wrong. It becomes lemon soap… at least in Australia is like this!

The great bar initiative comes from the vodka manufacturer 42 Below. They implemented the practice in the best Sydney bars and are now expanding to other Australian cities and to New Zealand. The operation is simple, each bar collects the peels and lime residues left on glasses after party and instead of throwing it away, they keep in a separate container. A team from 42Below passes weekly to gather the material and later returns it in lemon soap.

Each facility earns soap in equivalent amount to the lemon waste delivered at no additional charge. In the first month there were collected 800 pounds of fruit that generated 20000 sachets and 300 bottles of liquid soap with lemon aroma, equivalent to 3200 cocktails.

The clients also support the initiative. The campaign slogan is “wash today with some of last night” and prints the walls of the toilets at the bars. 

This is not the first action of the environmental conscious company, they also hosted the Cocktail Earth Cup, a championship in which bartenders develop zero-waste drinks. They also have partnered with the Agency Junkee Media and recruited young people to create innovative ways to keep the planet clean.


Another curious company is North-american Mrs. Meyer’s, which produces environmentally friendly cleaning products. One of its most famous creations is the radish soap. There is also a detergent for dishes and a multi-surface cleanser made with the same ingredient, which has been discontinued, but returned upon customer’s request. Who has already used ensures the aroma is fresh, but it doesn’t smell like radish and even eliminates other unwanted odors in the house.

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References: Trend Hunter, Eco Child’s Play, Drinks World, The Shout

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