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Sugar for a sweeter … and lighter life!

mais leve

Getting in shape is the terror of many people and it can be a tough process. But it can also be different, lighter. And innovation can help us.

Starting with sugar, the cause and solution of our gluttony for appetizing desserts. The Israeli company Doux Matok developed Incredo Sugar, a “sugar” as sweet as the traditional one, but with half the calories.

The invention, which already has a registered patent, consists of nanoparticles of sucrose, glucose and fructose, normally found in larger-sized sugar. These particles maintain the same level of sweetness as usual and are not soluble in water. This lighter sugar is not digested by the body, so the taste prevails, but the calories do not.

Lighter sugar

In this way, the consumer can use a smaller amount of the product without impairing the taste. And with the advantage of not having that aftertaste that we find in some sweeteners. The drinks, confectionery, sugars, sweeteners and bakery market is worth almost 1 billion euros (5 billion reais). So much potential for applications!

In 2021 the company launched another version, in partnership with the Italian company Hi-Food, which included upcycled corn fiber, improving the product’s functionality. And in 2022 the clothing brand Pangaia entered the food market and launch a line of protein bars with Incredo Sugar.

Another interesting device is the Samsung Body Fat Meter. The patent refers to a smartphone with four sensors that can be an integral part of the device or just a cover to be attached to it:

It’s worth remembering that there are already devices to measure the pulse through cell phones (I’ve already tested it on mine, I can’t say if it’s necessary, because I didn’t compare it to any other device, but it works). The sensors must be touched by hands.

Despite being an accurate measurement method, it should be considered that dehydration and measurements taken immediately after meals can alter the results and that, the most important thing to have a lighter life are the habits adopted in the long term that will reflect a significant change.

Article originally published in my column on the Noctula Channel website on 01/06/2016 and published here on 01/09/2023.

Sources: FastCompanyExameVenture Beat, Food Navigator, Food Ingredients First, Vegconomist

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